Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 06 (1992)(Alchemist Research).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   5 "0";"P";page:
   4 a$="Games Reviews":
   3 a$="RENEGADE":
   3 a$="Home Grown":
   3 a$="GOLD SPORTS":
   2 d*"6CODEb"
   2 d*"6CODEa"
   2 a$="Spectrum Gold":
   2 a$="Future Attractions":
   1 z$="190,1,1,42,;Winter 1992":
   1 page=page:
   1 page=page-1
   1 page=page+1
   1 d*"ALCHNEWS6"
   1 a$="ZAT & Quest Software":
   1 a$="With the mag comes a map of The Mountains of Ket & Demon from The Darkside which are clearly defined and well printed.  Theres also an A-Z of adventure tips, currently being compiled.  Another excellent section, is desperadoes: solutions to many games.  The list currently has 26 but is ever expanding and they cost only 10p.  There are also maps available for several games at the reasonable charge  of 50p upto #1.  Other maps are 20p each.  All you have to do is send your cheque / PO & SAE to Spellunkler Solutions.":
   1 a$="Well, one of the Spectrum's golden points is the wide range of games available for the old battler. One of the first football games was World Cup football by now-gone Artic software. Back in 1982/3 the players were matchstick figures which strolled around the pitch after a decidly square-looking ball. It was later (much later) re badged as World Cup Carnival which has gone down as one of the biggest turkeys ever! ":
   1 a$="Welcome to a new feature of Alch News where we look back on the past ten years of Spectrum games. We are not nominating the best games of all time or saying some are better than others, we are just reminding you of what the good old days used to be like. This time, Renegade is the subject of the review and football is covered in the look back article. As ever constructive critcism is welcomed. So, read on....":
   1 a$="Towards the End":
   1 a$="To play football on the Spectrum is not so easy, you'll never get 22 and a ref to balance on +2 never mind a 48. You could load Match Day or Match Day 2 instead though. These look wobbly compared to Kick Off but were very solid when first released. Both are playable, especially the second version with the Diamond Deflection System. So, forget the flash consoles and dig out your old Spectrum sports tapes, because after all, to be this good takes ages - Eleven years to be precise!":
   1 a$="Thought for the day...":
   1 a$="This is equally important.  Foreign particles from other machines can get on your heads.  Lift and remove the lid, and put a drop of whisky or tape cleaner on a cotton bud and wash the play AND record head and the rollers.  Put a drop of fine oil in the tape rollers and use another cotton swap with a drop of whisky to gather all the dust.  Tape head cleaners should be used after every 4 hours of tape use.  If it is an old cleaner, put a drop of whisky on the heads first, then play the tape to clean and dry it.  Heads DO wear down (see 105), so if you have a +2, try and save with another deck via the SOUND socket.":
   1 a$="Then came the mail order clones that started to take up half page ads in that old tome known as Crash. Legendary names such as D+H and E+J began to shout about their efforts, none of which could hold a candle to the game that has been crowned (by me anyway) as the best ever football game. That is the accolade given to The Double by Johnso Scanatron. This one has the names of ALL the league players circa 1986. You can buy Ian Rush for `350,000!":
   1 a$="Then after all that, enter the warehouse to defeat the ultimate big boss and you've done it, certainly beats helping an old lady with her shopping now! So, what is so special about Renegade? Firstly it's a very good game- simple. It also took full advantage of the 128 extra memory. It was a single load, had a very good tune and featured an extra move - the throw that no other computer had. Worth upgrading for eh? Renegade also appeared when the ST and Amiga first did and showed that the 8 bits could transfer arcade games very well.":
   1 a$="The sequel, Target Renegade is also a good game, but didn't breakany ground in the way Renegade did. I know other beat em ups were aroundat the time, but this was the best. So, if you would to try Renegad if you have never played it, a good source is the Spectrum Software Hire Club that has games old and new for hire. Contact SSHC, 32 Dursley Road, Trowbridge, Wilts. BA14 0NN. Note that I have no connection with the club and that is an independent recommendtion. They offer a fine service. Now, on to the look back.....":
   1 a$="The game is to take place across five different levels, each one being a major world city and you will play the part of the most recent Doctor, Sylvester McCoy. I seem to remember his act, where he would run across the top of chairs and shout. Anyway, the game will be out now if all goes according to plan and will be like the Batman and Robocop games, look out fr it. Also out now is the latest Dizzy games and Wild West Seymour involving the other Codies cutesy character.":
   1 a$="The first football management game came from (Rt Hon,Sir,Lord) Kevin Toms in the form of Football Manager, a game so old that it was released for the Oric! Brilliantly simple is FM, PLEASE WAIT signs formed 90% of the action and a few animated sequences which then gave way to another wait for the league table to calculate, enough time to go to the real match! Obvious inferior clones followed, take Soccer Boss- please! This game took itself too seriously and was never in the FM class at all.":
   1 a$="The action takes place across seven monochrome levels. There is a time limit on each and your task is to rescue three hostages on each level. That makes hmm.....21 hostages in all. You gain an extra weapon if you release a certain number of the hostages within the time limit. While the screen blends in with the characters, both being the same colour, the graphics are quite good and there is a certain level of satisfaction when levels are finished.":
   1 a$="Tapes":
   1 a$="Tape Services":
   1 a$="TECH. SEC.":
   1 a$="Summing Up":
   1 a$="Square One":
   1 a$="Spellunkler":
   1 a$="SoundTracker":
   1 a$="Sorry for the size of this issue, but the new routines have taken up all the memory.  By next issue, we aim to have compressed all the data and have a longer version.  Now we have upgraded up a +3, you can have AlchNews & PD on +3 disk.  Keep in touch with A.R. for more news and PD updates.":
   1 a$="So, that was Spectrum Gold. Let me know what games/articles you would like to see in future editions. I would like your views of Gold games, let me know your top 10 and why for inclusion next time. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll look in on the next Spectrum Gold. Stephen Mullen":
   1 a$="So, hopefully all sides of the games spectrum (ha) covered there. As ever, your suggestions and own reviews are more than welcome. So please feel free to write in. Well, thanks for looking in and I hope you will continue to subscribe to Alch News. Until Next Time, Stephen Mullen.":
   1 a$="So, although I am sure you will already own this game in another form, I can say that this is an enjoyable, rewarding game that is well pitched though possibly too easy after practice. For marks, I give: Graphics 75 Sound 72 Enjoyment 78 and an Overall score of 75% I enjoyed it! As to other recent releases, the old football game Treble Champions is available at 3.99 but is not the best manager game. See Spectrum Gold for my verdict on that front. There is also the computer version of Viz which is slightly silly but worth a look.":
   1 a$="So Alec, if you're reading this, please tell me where my AL2 is, where AL3 is and why havent you replied to my letters.  If you are trying to run a tapezine, you can't just appear when you want to, having issue 2 out July and Issue 3 out near xmas and calling it a monthly production.  I trust you'll answer my questions Mr Carswell, keep up the good work Andy,  From James Waddington: Editor of Spellunkler":
   1 a$="Since last time, we have had lots of support, so thankyou everybody!  The new list (2A) is now out and features all 160 or so files we have).  Expect a change of recording as the +2 is out of action, so recording levels may be different to what you're used to.  We've also got lots more utils, including some Romanian and +D disk programs.  Send a blank and SAE for the new list.":
   1 a$="SYSTEM CRASH":
   1 a$="SPELLUNKLER":
   1 a$="Run by the entrepreneurial Dave Ledbury, these are the fantastic ZAT magazine for intermediate users of SAMs and Spectrums.  Quest software has some fantastic adventures available for both SAM and Spectrum on tape and +D Disk.":
   1 a$="Run by former Editor of ZAT, Darren Blackburn has gone on to produce this excellent magazine.  It features anything sci-fi and contains news, letters, stories, and lots of information on all your favourite sci-fi stuff.  It costs just #1.50.":
   1 a$="Reviewed..":
   1 a$="Renegade had very good graphics indeed. They were smoothly animated and moved very quickly. All of the gameplay of the arcade original was kept, some said it was better on the computer! It was also better than the Commodore version, just as the 64 was beginning tobe portrayed as the Spectrum's superior. What's more, a lot of games look like Renegade nowadays. Take Street Fighter and Double  Dragon, they were converted to the Spectrum but I think not as well.":
   1 a$="Released almost exactly five years ago, Renegade was one of the Xmas hits of 1987. It was an arcade conversion that involved batling with street gangs in order to rescue your estranged girlfriend. This is no easy task as an assortment of thugs carry an assortent of deadly weapons to try to curtail your quest. There are five areas inclding the final fight and each have a boss that needs to be defeated before another level can be loaded in - a muliload.":
   1 a$="RS232 Paged RAM?":
   1 a$="RENEGADE by Imagine":
   1 a$="Prism PD":
   1 a$="Policies":
   1 a$="PD UPDATES":
   1 a$="Overall, these packs are great value and especially useful for young players, puzzlers and for anyone who is learning Basic programming. While not up to commercial standard, these packs are by no means a disappointment and help to support the Spectrum. Chq payable to RW Frosdick for `4 for all three or `1.50. Contact Re-Run 1 Northolme Close, Grays Essex RM16 2NX.":
   1 a$="Outlet":
   1 a$="Our Address":
   1 a$="Or even maybe just some little tips to make life on PAW a little easier.  I've just shipped a copy of Quill & PAW & GAC to Romania who are busy working away right now to produce some adventures for over here.  Im even promised some Romanian Scott Adams adventures, which I particularly like.  So if you like the sound of Spellunkler, send cheques or postal orders to J Waddington at 11 Finsbury Drive, Wrose, Bradford, West Yorks.  BD2 1QA.  I will certainly send whatever I can to help get this 'zine fully up and running":
   1 a$="On pack two, there is connect four variant, Four in a Line, a very good puzzle game, Colour Bind, Japanese Patience with excellent presentation and Up the Wall, which will drive you up there! These are again BASIC but an improvement over pack one. Bind and Patience are the kinds of puzzles not found in the commercial market. Finally Pack 3 has Guardians, Spin It, One Armed Bandit, Cyborg and Speculate. These are again all Basic but vey competently done and enjoyable enough.":
   1 a$="Now, look at the connectors, particularly the aerial socket and I/O port.  If it is even SLIGHTLY stained, get some silver polish (Duraglit siver wadding is best) and polish up the connectors.  Now do the same for your interface and leads which plug into this.  My Multiface is very unstable when the port is stained.  If you keep swapping interfaces, then this is the problem.  You can also clean the female I/O sockets with wadding polish as it is a dry cleaner.  Clean all power and tape leads too for better loads.":
   1 a$="NEW LAYOUT":
   1 a$="Most Importantly":
   1 a$="Monitor Socket":
   1 a$="Last time you'll know I asked about a lead from the +2 monitor socket to a composite VIDEO IN (like on a video recorder).  I wrote to Outlet and asked and the reply was: 'Tandy can supply a scart plug to two video out phono plugs' ??? It seems someone over there has gone SAM specific.  Anyway, Im having one made by Woodhouse Electrical services (0742 595319).  Great for ZX repairs and make up of ANY leads and Spectrum advice.":
   1 a$="Last Bits":
   1 a$="LETTER":
   1 a$="LETTER (3)":
   1 a$="LETTER (2)":
   1 a$="It's time once again to take a look at the latest new releases from the big software houses. Or is it? My continuing tale of woe, erm, continues! I took a look at the shelf(no longer a plural) at my local software shop and what did I see? I saw Jack the Nipper 2, Turbo Outrun and a few budget games. Your'e now thinking that I visited a pretty poor shop. But the assistant told me that there hadn't been much new material for the Spectrum. So, I left and went to WH Smiths and picked up the latest budget games and re-issues.":
   1 a$="It also has a problems page where people can write in and offer help for the listed probs.  Theres also quite a good story by the Ed himself.  There's also a letter from Red Herring, who seem rather stroppy and I shall keep clear of them.  Spellunkler is absolutely FULL of tips, and found at least two clues for almost every adventure I own.  We also experience the Ed's most embarrasing moment when he made a fool of himself in a large queue (thats usually the case!)":
   1 a$="In the last issue of Alch News I mentioned that Spec Support offered PD gamepacks. Now I have them for review. They are priced at `1.50 each or `4 for the set of three. The tapes come complete with their own inlays cards and cases. Pack One has four titles: Puzzle game Dice Mania, adventure game Noah, General Knowledge Quiz and Bully Embassy. All are written predominately in BASIC and are of a reasonable standard. Dice Mania is particularly infuriating but the Quiz could do with an overhaul. It is just questions fired until they run out. There should be a two player option.":
   1 a$="In my hands is the premiere issue of Spellunkler, a new adventure fanzine for the ZX Spectrum by James Waddington of Bradford.  The first thing which catches my eye is the fact that even though it's an A5 size, it is wider than it is tall (ie: an A5 mag on its side!).  It costs #1.50 and is out on the 14th of every month.   For your money, you get 40 pages full of reviews, help, stories, maps and plenty of help and tips.  Over the following pages, I'll have a good look through it and point out all the interesting bits....":
   1 a$="If you would like any issue of AlchNews on +D disk, then send your blank disk to the following address, not me!":
   1 a$="If you have two 128k machines connected via the RS232 socket, and have mastered swapping files etc. between them. (Program available from PD library for 20p)  Then how about using the RAM as an extra 64k Ramdisk?  Decide which is to be the master and which the slave computer, and then it should be possible to page in and page out memory to the other machine, so theoretically you should have a 256k machine!":
   1 a$="If more people subscribed, then it gives the 'zine a more secure foundation, so sub for a year!   Spellunkler also has the Ed popping in from time to time, which is very warm and cosy and makes me reach for my pipe and slippers as I toast another muffin by the fire!  The reviews are very thorough, giving publisher, programmer and price as well as a bit of action the reviewer saw!  The mag also has one of those 'hundred word stories' where people write in and carry on the story.  My effort?  Well... 'and... he woke up, it was all a dream.'!!!":
   1 a$="I hope all you 128k owners have bought YS for Soundtracker.  As it's a PD program, can it be freely copied? If you think so and would like a copy, it's in the PD library here.  We're also looking for drums, samples and songs for the PD library for ST, so send in your work now!  All we have is ST, ST compiler and a drum pattern.":
   1 a$="I also like to load Quilled & PAWed adventures into their respective creators, so a little section on this may be good.  I actually sent some stuff telling you how to load your adventures into their creators.  Look out for it soon.  If you don't want to wait, it's in issue 16 of ZAT, and in some back issues of AlchNews.  All in all, Spellunkler is a great Adventure magazine, and just about caters for all.  I hope to see a little more technical stuff in it, like help on writing an adventure, or a serialised adventure to type":
   1 a$="I agree entirely.  If you do decide to fold or quit the scene, you could at least pass on a word to another mag (like me).  I paid for issue 3 and have nothing.  He is also supposed to write the adventure section.  I realise workload can be high (mine is) but I put customers first, ask for NO payment and pay most postage out of my own wallet.  I have dropped down production due to the lack of contributions, but still strive to get it out on the release date.  And Alec wanted to take over AlchNews and 'buy' ALL my PD progs (170 of them) with #1 credit (sigh.)":
   1 a$="Hisoft Basic-MC":
   1 a$="Help & Stories":
   1 a$="He wrote back and asked if I could contribute every month. I agreed and we corresponded a few times until July when he said he'd send some games to review at the end of the month.  JULY 31st-NOTHING.  AUGUST-NOTHING.  SEPTEMBER-NOTHING. and so on... He still had my AL2 and between July and now Ive written 4 times and not even recieved an acknowledgemnt.  I foolishly recommended AL to my good friend Paul Lewis.  2 months on since ordering, hes heard nothing! I see though in Mystic Dwellings (AlchNews5) he's still printed my tips  I know youre having trouble getting in touch with him Andy, and I wonder if anyone else is having trouble":
   1 a$="Getting to the end, we find the solution to The Hobbit, which is worth 50p in itself.  Even I must admit, Ive finished the Hobbit except for the Bulbous Eyes at the end killing me.  I hope this solution will help me when I try it.  One thing that it could provide is some sort of recorded help.  People could send in their saved position, or you could have various problems solved and ready on tape.  I'd certainly like the position outside Bilbo's house with all his treasure with him, or the final scene from Custerd's Quest.":
   1 a$="GOLD LOOK-BACK":
   1 a$="Front Ends":
   1 a$="Formerly Total PD but I guess Steve Anderson has gone on to make a fool of himself in Your Adolescence.  Nonetheless, Prism has a great catalogue of games and utilities and a good collection of clip art, as well as some good digitised piccies and poster / printing service.":
   1 a$="Firstly, it clearly points out exactly what you get for your money and what you get if you contribute.  If you submit half an A4 page you are entitled any solution from the 'bin'.  If you contribute for a year, then you can claim 20, yep 20 solutions!  Ad's cost a miserly `3 per page or simply `1.50 for half and subscriptions are #17 per year (a saving of #1) or #18 for Eire & Europe or #19 for the rest of the world.  One thing I must point out, is that you should ofer a gift for being a 'pioneer' for subscribing as mags can often fold and you may lose your money (see ADVENTURE LINK)":
   1 a$="Ed's Comments":
   1 a$="Don't lose the spring!  If you remove a section of keys at a time, you won't get them mixed up.  Moving on, unscrew your computer and gently remove the lid and disconnect the keyboard ribbons and power connectors to tape/disk.  Either get an air spray (Maplin book page 619 code YB73Q for #4.75 or gently blow away all the dust. A hair dryer with fine attachment will do.  Most dust comes in through the ports and air vents.  You cannot block the airvent, but you can put some electrical tape over any unused sockets, especially the I/O port, either on the computer, printer or multiface or disk interface.":
   1 a$="Dear Andy, Firstly I must congratulate you on the excellent standard of AlchNews which I have just discovered.  You are doing excellent work to help people who own Speccys and its good to see you are paying attention to adventures- the best games!  Ironically, this letter is concerning the person who first got us aquainted: Alec Carswell.  In December (1991) I recieved a 'mystery' package which contained a tapezine called Adventure Link.  I was very impressed and sent off #1.50 for issue 2 and sent some solutions to print.":
   1 a$="Coming soon to a Sinclair near you is the computerisation of a TV classic. I thought it was the most boring, unscary program ever, but DOCTOR WHO is on his way to the Spectrum. Full credit should go to Admiral Software for taking this on. It is suprising that it has took so long, there are so many possibilities to explore here. The plot for the game runs along the lines of: 50 years into the future, the Daleks have invaded earth. Naturally, only Doctor Who can stop them (Superman was double booked). So off you pop!":
   1 a$="Clean Sweep (2)":
   1 a$="Besides write for ZAT and AlchNews, Stephen runs a tape service.  This comprises of tape inlay card printing and much more.  Send an SAE for details.":
   1 a$="Before my computer crashed, I thought I'd spend the first part of Tech. Sec. on keeping your computer clean and healthy.  You'd be surprised how much dust clings to the computer, and most of it can be avoided.  Firstly, lets start at the computer.  If you don't use a dust cover, then dust and muck will gather under your keyboard (except rubber keyed owners.)  Spectrum+ keys very easily remove.  If you have a +2 or +3 then put a screwdriver under the key, and while holding it, gently press down the screwdriver to prise it up":
   1 a$="At that point in time, I was able to get my hands on Sword of the Samurai. This is a 3.99 release from North Easteners Zeppelin, one firm who have not deserted the Spectrum. Sword of the Samurai is fairly similar to Rastan, an old Ocean/Imagine game in places and that is one of its good points. The action involves walking along defending yourself Shinobi style without weapons or with what you can lay your hands on. The ultimate aim of the game is to rescue hostages takes by a band of rogue ninjas. I believe they are a jazz combo!":
   1 a$="As you will have noticed, we have took on a new layout.  Thanks to a PD program I was sent, I managed to extract the machine code to print in multiple sized text at any pixel of the screen and not worry about wordwrapping!  If you look into the basic, then it will look a little messy, but this is only the first version.  All comments and suggestions are most welcome!  For an explaination on the system commands, see the next page.":
   1 a$="As you may have heard, I am starting a compiler service to compile basic to machine code.  Just send in your program with an SAE and I'll compile it to any address you wish.  Please note, Hisoft will NOT accept the following:  
   1 a$="And Finally!":
   1 a$="Alec C.: Why don't you get in touch with Spellunkler and see if they are interested in taking in some of your work, becuase it is pretty good and if you are struggling, then don't be afraid to ask for help, we don't gloat and laugh at you.  If you don't want to, then please let all your customers know what you are up to and answer our letters.  It only costs 18p for a stamp.  All my letters are replied and in the post box within 2 hours of coming throuh my letterbox- hows that for service!":
   1 a$="Adverts":
   1 a$="A-Z & Maps":
   1 a$="A good monthly tapezine for the SAM coupe and the Spectrum.  I've never subscibed to Outlet because it doesn't seem to have enough features I want in an issue to grab me, but what it does have should please all new programmers.  SAM content is high.  Send an SAE for their list to...":
   1 a$="A few weeks ago (yesterday at the time of writing), the tape deck on the +2 did'nt save some PD programs, so I dismantled the computer and thoroughly cleaned out the insides (see my article in Tech. Sec.).  After this, it began to work okay for a week or so until I started getting a funny buzzing, then it loaded programs for about 3 secods then goes muffled.  Anyway, it's in the repair lab now, and I'm having to use a Spec+ as a replacement so apologies for any delays you may experience.":
   1 a$="A Clean Sweep":
   1 a$="+D Version":
   1 Z$="1,40,1,42,;":
   1 X+",1,3,42,;":
   1 Winter 1992s Spectrum Gold. Let me know   what games/ar
   1 Use N & B to flick through pages
   1 TECH. SEC.
   1 Spellunkler Fanzine
   1 Spectrum Gold
   1 Our Address
   1 Next Issue
   1 Front Ends
   1 AN6CB     
   1 AN6CA     
   1 ALCHNEWS6 xv
   1 ALCHNEWS 6x
   1 A$="NEXT ISSUE":
   1 A$="ALCHNEWS 6":
   1 ;"printer driver at lines 2110+";
   1 ;"`1.50 cheque / postal order";
   1 ;"You can insert your own";
   1 ;"Woodhouse";
   1 ;"West Yorks.  BD2 1Qa":
   1 ;"Telford";
   1 ;"TELFORD";
   1 ;"Sorry, no info available        ":
   1 ;"Sorry, no help available        ":
   1 ;"Shropshire":
   1 ;"Shrops.  TF8 8QA":
   1 ;"Sheffield";
   1 ;"S13 7LN":
   1 ;"RUGBY CV22 7HJ":
   1 ;"Notts.  NG17 2EF":
   1 ;"My comments over:":
   1 ;"Martyn Sherwood";
   1 ;"Malcolm Gent";
   1 ;"Liverpool";
   1 ;"Leicester LE4 4NJ":
   1 ;"L12 9LR":
   1 ;"James Waddington";
   1 ;"Ironbridge";
   1 ;"Chezron Software";
   1 ;"Birstall";
   1 ;"Bilton";
   1 ;"BRADFORD";
   1 ;"AlchNews";
   1 ;"62 Tithe Barn Lane";
   1 ;"605 Loughbrough Road";
   1 ;"47 Lincoln Hill";
   1 ;"4 Johnson Grove";
   1 ;"157  Our Address":
   1 ;"156  Next Issue";
   1 ;"155  Outlet";
   1 ;"154  Square One";
   1 ;"153  S. Mullen's Tape Services";
   1 ;"152  Prism PD";
   1 ;"151  ZAT & Quest";
   1 ;"13 Rodney Close";
   1 ;"129  PD Updates":
   1 ;"128  RS232 256k Paged RAM?";
   1 ;"127  Monitor Socket revisited";
   1 ;"126  SoundTracker";
   1 ;"125  Hisoft Basic-Machine Code";
   1 ;"124    the cassette.";
   1 ;"123    your computer &";
   1 ;"122    Advice on cleaning";
   1 ;"121  A Clean Sweep:";
   1 ;"119  Spellunkler";
   1 ;"11 Finsbury Drive";
   1 ;"109  Ed's Comment":
   1 ;"108  at shoddy service at A.Link";
   1 ;"107  James Waddington complains";
   1 ;"106  Soapbox:";
   1 ;"105  Hardware Fault at HQ";
   1 ;"104  Command Menu";
   1 ;"103 Chiltern Gardens";
   1 ;"103  New Layout";
   1 ;"102  +D Version";
   1 ;"1 Pelham Street";
   1 190,1,1,42,;Winter 1992G
   1 "Page:";page:
   1 "ALCHNEWS6"
   1 "7962");" bytes free                ":
   1 "0";"P100"
   1  1992 Alchemist Research Ltd. "
   1   Select an individual page";
   1   Return to last sub menu seen";
   1   Other Utilities":
   1   Next Page";
   1   Go to Page 100";
   1   Copy to ZX Printer";
   1   Back a Page";